4 Keys to Assessing Quality for Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

4 Keys to Assessing Quality for Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Is your Enterprise Content Management at the quality that you expect for your organization? Optimize your ECM system to be the best that it can be. Apply these 4 quick FileTrail tips to your ECM strategy, today.

1. Information Governance (IG) Strategy

The first key to assessing quality for ECM is an IG strategy. Has your organization developed a framework for Information Governance goals and benchmarks? IG stakeholders to look at are:  authorities, supports, processes, capabilities, structure, and infrastructure. Go through these one by one and develop a plan for how these stakeholders should work to support compliance requirements, business needs, and utilize available technology.

2. Clean Data Migration

The next key to assessing quality for ECM is validating your data. Migrating dirty data is a complete waste of time for everyone involved.  Minimize errors and duplications to confirm that your information, whether digital or physical, is cleaned up before migration.

3. Standardized Processes

The third key to success I mean, to assessing quality for ECM is standardizing processes. Stated previously as a stakeholder in key number one, this deserves more attention. If your organization runs through different offices, cities, countries, and etc, it’s important to ensure that all employees know the correct way to capture and secure information. A standard method minimizes errors and duplication, effectively reducing  risks while increasing security. Remember, 95% of cyber breaches are user error, so supply your employees with training on standard processes and best practices.

4. High User Adoption

The last key to assessing quality for ECM is ensuring your system encourages high end-user adoption rate. If your organization implements an ECM system but your employees find it either too difficult to use or simply don’t like it, you won’t be able to capture and store the information that the organization must secure. This is where you keep it simple. Provide a software that is modern and user friendly with tools to help access and retrieve information quickly. If it helps to ease their tasks and increase their productivity, the bonus will be for both the user and the organization.

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