Hot Topics – Houston ARMA: Information Governance for Oil, Gas and Real Estate

We’re excited about the upcoming Houston Chapter ARMA conference and expo April 25th – 26th, 2017. The agenda promises many interesting discussions about the latest innovations in records management and information governance.

Talking to folks before the conference, we’ve gathered a few topics that we anticipate will be on the top of everyone’s’ minds. Since it’s Houston, they’re related to the real estate and the oil industries.

Conversations around these issues should be lively:

  1. When the price of oil is down, how can companies maximize their efficiency?
    • This topic is particularly pertinent when it comes to managing records and data about your company’s oil wells. It’s not just about getting everything in one location. The bigger challenge is providing access to it across every department.
  1. What’s the best way to manage real estate and well data?
    • This issue is important. A lot of people in the oil and real estate industries are looking to upgrade their records management (RM) systems. Many don’t realize that it’s possible to manage everything in a single, unified records management system.
  1. Is there a way for staff to access well or real estate data regardless of whether they’re in the field or onsite?
    • To stay competitive, organizations really need anytime, anywhere access to their data. Today, the best RM systems are cloud-based to provide exactly this kind of functionality.

Visit Our Booth at the Conference

Every day we’ll be hosting live 15-minute demos to show you how easy it is to manage all your records and data from a unified location and store it in the cloud.

When you visit us at the ARMA Houston conference, Booth#24, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Engage with our experts. We can show you how FileTrail can reduce your records management costs and streamline your IG processes.
  • Learn how FileTrail integrates with your existing software. FileTrail offers the fastest time to value for your records management investment because it is already compatible with many document software solutions.
  • Meet with us! We’re offering free one-on-one personalized consultations throughout the conference. Sign up using the button below.

See you in Houston!

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