New LegalKEY Updates Create a Stir in the Records Management Space

Recently FileTrail announced the release of several new features that make it easier for firms to switch from LegalKEY to FileTrail. Many of these features were developed because LegalKEY is no longer being updated to address current industry standards.

The records management industry has taken notice. Last week, Legaltech News published an in-depth article detailing our latest interface updates and features, which meet the demands of long-time LegalKEY users. The article also provides an analysis of why users would make the switch to FileTrail.

Nancy Beauchemin, founder of InOutsource, provides several reasons why law firms are motivated to replace LegalKEY. According to Beauchemin: “law firms have now adopted information governance and record retention policies, so they need their record platforms to enable compliance with that, and LegalKEY has limited functionality in this area.” She also elaborates on the trend in the industry where more law firms want solutions to be cloud-based, so “you [that] don’t have to do an install of the software on a workstation…[you] can access the solution on mobile devices, and [you] have a lower deployment and management costs.”

Read the full article on Legaltech News “Legacy Battle: FileTrail Aims to Attract LegalKEY Users with New Updates” (creating a user account is free and easy).

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