What’s New in Records Management Software?

FileTrail values customer feedback

An Overview of FileTrail’s Newest Feature Release 4.2.4

In case you haven’t heard, last month we released version 4.2.4 of our records management software. It includes many new features that were developed in response to a gap in the market created by legacy solutions.

During the first half of 2017 FileTrail listened to closely to our users and developed several cutting-edge features in response to their valuable feedback. One of our biggest goals with this update was to assist organizations that wanted to transition off of LegalKEY. Many customers shared their concerns that it’s no longer being updated to meet current industry standards.

New Features

We have vetted our design with users, and they’re excited about the improvements. Many now feel they can replace their legacy systems with our more modern product. Check out our improvements below:

  • Ad Hoc Reporting: Easily generate rapid reports that meet highly specific information requirements.
  • Enterprise Disposition: Automate the review and disposition process with disposition workflows.
  • Lateral Moves: Organize and transfer files for departing or incoming attorneys with a few clicks.
  • New UI: The user interface has been upgraded to introduce LegalKEY features.
  • Workspace: Expandos and Folders are now displayed below the Matter (like the Workspace tree shown in LegalKEY), but enhanced with a user-defined format.
  • Reporting: New functions that help provide useful reporting include:
    • A graphing wizard to open the possibility for variations of canned reports to fit specific needs, allowing for management reports to show trends in powerful graphs.
    • An ad hoc report designer that allows users to easily build reports and add them to the menus on Reports, the Workspace and Carts.
    • The ability for custom reports built by an integrator or internal IT to be appended to FileTrail menus, eliminating the need for repetitive requests from IT.
  • Item View: Configuration options allow placement of Client-Matter and Matter-related data arranged at the top of the screen.
  • Tabbed Views: A new tabbed menu provides one-click access to different views of record data.
  • Volume Numbers: Adjustments to Folder numbering now use one part from the Expando and another part to form a unique number for the Folder.
  • Contents: Additional functions improve the Box window by:
    • Adding more contents to a Box or Expando by scanning bar codes.
    • Removing selected Expandos from a Box.
    • Moving selected Folders to a new Expando or moving selected Expandos to a new Box.
  • Replicate: This function allows one-click duplication of a record and eliminates the dangerous option to replicate hundreds at once.
  • Restrict Media to Container: This new configuration option requires that Folders be created within an Expando.

The premier records management solution

The latest enhancements demonstrate FileTrail’s deep commitment to ongoing product development. We are constantly releasing new upgrades to ensure that organizations have the features they need in a modern records management system.

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