ILTACON Recap: What Law Firms Want for Records Management Software in 2017

ILTACON 2017 was a huge success! FileTrail’s team met with clients, consultants, and law firms of all sizes throughout the conference. We were busy all day, every day, doing demos. Some people got to see FileTrail’s records management software in-action for the first time, while many dropped by to see a preview of our latest upgrades.

Thanks to our partners, InOutsource, NetDocuments and Intapp, we also got the opportunity to meet new friends. If you stopped by, or you’re simply curious about whether you share similar interests with the other law firms we spoke with, here’s a recap of our trip.

Popular topics: New OCG compliance and RMS replacement

During our conversations with law firms and consultants, several topics repeatedly came up.

When we spoke to law firms, their biggest concern was electronic records retention compliance. While this issue affects all firms, it’s especially relevant to large firms with major clients in the financial services and banking industries. Today these clients are rapidly advancing their risk mitigation expectations for law firms. In order to ensure compliance, they’re issuing increasingly detailed OCG compliance protocols. (In response, we demo’ed FileTrail’s newest information governance tools to capture and apply OCG policies. Needless to say, they were a huge success.)

Our conversations with consultants working with law firms focused on their clients’ current records management systems (RMS), and particularly how those systems are failing when it comes built-in with their accounting tools. When consultants looked for other records management systems on the market, they heard about FileTrail on the ILTA boards. They came to checkout FileTrail because of its reputation as a best-in-class replacement for outdated software, like LegalKEY and ARM.

FileTrail’s upgrades were a big hit

Our records management software demos got very positive feedback.

Everyone agreed that FileTrail’s latest version, 4.2.3, had an improved, modern interface with easy-to-use dashboards. They especially appreciated the recently added features that resemble LegalKEY, which ultimately makes moving to FileTrail an easy transition.

What Law firms look for in Records Management Software in 2017

Other observations:

  • LegalKEY users were very excited about the enhancements to the workspace to allow the media view.
  • Law firms were also impressed with the work FileTrail has done to simplify outbound transfers/lateral moves. (Currently law firms have a manual process to do this; using FileTrail’s functionality represents a big future cost savings.)
  • Many people were also very enthusiastic about FileTrail’s newest tools for retention. They commented these tools could revolutionize their records management protocols, and they think FileTrail could help them finally tackle the exponential growth of documents in their repositories and shared drives.

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